Sunday, July 25, 2010

Embrace Books

For those who don't know, I recently accepted an invitation to edit Embrace Books, a new digital romance line coming out of Salt Publishing in the UK.

While I wait for the website to be ready, I've launched an Embrace Books blog so that prospective writers can find the necessary guidelines and details of how to submit work.

I'll be keeping that side of my career separate from my writing, so don't expect many posts here about my work as an editor.

Indeed, I write this surrounded by research materials, reference books, my thesaurus, and a rough handwritten draft of my latest chapter. Yes, the great Tudor novel continues to grow apace.


Talli Roland said...

Congrats on the new venture, Jane! And I look forward to hearing more about your Tudor novel...

Jane Holland said...

Oh I can't wait to see my Tudor novel in print too!

Long time off though, I fear. Such a long book and I'm still on the first draft, really. Plenty of revisions may need to be done before it makes its way onto a shelf somewhere ...

Nice thought, though. ;)
